We are excited about your decision to make Second Baptist your church home. At the 2nd, we “accept you where you are and challenge you to be where God wants you to be”. We believe that church membership is vital to your spiritual growth; therefore, we take our responsibility very serious for you to become better equip to serve in the Kingdom of God. One of your first responsibilities as a new member of the 2nd, is to attend and complete your orientation process.
As a new member, you are required to attend orientation before receiving the “right hand of fellowship” from our pastor. The “right hand of fellowship” indicates that you are in good standing and in fellowship with our church. New Member’s Orientation will be held the 2nd Sunday of each month at 9:45am at the West Location and on the 4th Sunday of each month at 8:45am at the Southwest Location.
2nd Sunday 9:30am – 12:45am (West Location) Room 112-I Confertorium
4th Sunday 8:45am – 10:30am (Southwest Location) Room 303
The Orientation process is designed to equip you with information about our church and your faith. You will learn about our beliefs as Baptists, Stewardship giving, your growth as a Christian, the operations of our church, and be given an overview of the ministries of Second Baptist Church. You will hear presentations from the Pastor, and other church personnel as well as given a tour of our church facilities. After completion of your orientation, all members are expected to go to work in a ministry here at the 2nd.
New member receptions are held immediately following service. These receptions introduce new members to the Leadership of Second Baptist.
For additional information you may contact Membership Care at 501-404-6392.