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Jarvis Carrigan


Head of Children's Ministry Department (Children's Church Pastor)

“Faith Family & Fun”  One Saved Whole Save “



Department Ministries


   Nursery (8 weeks To 4yrs Old) Both Little Services Children’s Church is Available At All Three Locations

   Children's Church 5 to Fifth Grade

   Boy Scouts

   Girl Scouts


As A 10yr Member Of Second Baptist Church Jarvis Carrigan Is Head Of The Children's Ministry Department. While in college working at Men's Warehouse, Carrigan was invited to Second Baptist By Deacons And Ministers. Upon "Courting" The Church For One Year, Jarvis Became Made Second Baptist His Official Home! 


Married With Two Kids Of His own, Carrigan Joined The Youth Department And Became A Full Minister Of Children's Church .Coordinating Children's Ministry in the Local Church requires more than passion and love for Children. . Our Mission is to nurture children into a loving, serving relationship with God. 

1st Timothy 4:12



Services Department Ministries


New Members:

              The New Members Ministry conducts a comprehensive orientation program to introduce all new members joining Second Baptist Baptist Church to church principles, practices, member responsibilities and auxiliaries and ministries of the church. We strive to ensure all new members are assimilated into the life and activities of the church.


              The ministry of ushering is a crucial part of worship because it is one of the most visible ministries in the church. In Christ, you have received God’s unconditional love, and, in Christ, you are called to extend that same unconditional love to others. Although an usher’s love is no stronger than the love found in the whole congregation of the body of Christ, nevertheless the usher performs a major role in ensuring that people see and experience that love.

Welcome Ministry:

              Second Baptist Church is about people rather than programs, and our ministries aim to train, care for, and serve the people within the fellowship. We welcome you to our services and the many ministries of this church body

Healthcare Ministries:

            Galatians 6:2 to “Bear one another’s burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ”

God has individually equipped us so that we can successfully achieve His purpose for our lives which is to worship God, fulfill our role in the Church, and serve the community in which we live.

Beautification Ministry: (Shepard’s Care)

Provides direct personal support to the Pastor and First Lady to effectively aid, serve, love, strengthen, intercede, and encourage.  Members of this ministry are committed to fervent, unceasing prayer for the Pastor and First Lady, while affirming their spiritual, physical, and personal financial well- being.  They also ensure that they are fully equipped, prepared, and able to fulfill their responsibilities in leading the church.  Members must be prepared to anticipate his/her leader's needs & demands to properly furnish & supply what is needed.  Additionally, the Sheppard’s Care Team will exceptionally exemplify character, integrity, commitment, faithfulness, and love.




Psalms 33:3

As the Minister of Music at Second Baptist Church for 10 years, --- delicately balances skill with the annointing. He started playing his first instrument at the age of 2 and can perform every aspect of the music ministry. He sings all 3 parts, plays every instrument in the pit, and reads and writes music. He also handles every aspect of the stage, including sound and lights. The calling, passion and having the ability to be creativity ares what drives him as Minister of Music. With a degree in marketing and minor in sound recording and technology, music is what he was born to do. He loves the country family feel of Second Baptist. Right now, he's experiencing maturity and patience being a part of Second Baptist. 


Music and Worshipping Arts Department's mission lines up with Pastor Kelly's vision to present Christ to the unbeliever and preach to the believer - through music, dance, and drama.


--- has a high expectation for anyone wanting to be a part of the Music and Worshipping Arts Department. He says expect to commit your time to whatever area you would like to serve in. Auditions are required for the Praise Team and ---. The choir works the hardest but does not require auditions.


Vision that every member of the music department be able to teach music, annual drama production.


Sanctuary Choir - West and SW Sanctuary Choirs. No audition. Power choir, punchy, churchy, energy. Musicians add a lot of pump.

Male Chorus - Brothers of the church. Quartet music. Sings every 2nd and 4th Sundays.

Drama - Technical Production and Performers

Total Praise - Youth group ages 5 - 16 girls dance.

Shekinnah Performance - Audition 18 - 35 years old.

Shekinnah Worship - Anyone can join.

Mime - Audition. Interpretive. Dance in white face.

Praise Team - The front line of the music. Open in praise and worship. Audition.

Youth Choir - Youth ages 10 -18.


Join if you want to present Christ to the unbeliever in a creative way. Calling or gifting to be in the arts. Great place to grow and learn new skill in the arts.





The media department



Deloise Macon Became a volunteer in the media ministry at Second Baptist Church 15 Years ago. With no Formal Training , As a Vessel Of Christ , Deloise Now Brings upon the power of God Through Media as Head of The Second Baptist Church Media Department. 

Deloise Provides programming oversight and develops plans that manage the use of personnel and resources in the worship, audio and visual arena.


Media ministers work behind the scenes to make it possible to share the message of a church with large groups of people through amplified sound, recordings, PowerPoint presentations, Web pages and other forms of communication




Rodney Akins {Dicipleship Pastor 


Head of  Christian Education Department , Support and Fellowship group


proud husband of 10 years to Sandra Akins. 4 kids. 3.5 years with the church. Own janitorial business. associate minister for 10 years. 


Seminary school.


Matthew 28:19-20


Continue the teaching fo the people of God how to be in correct relationship with him and the world. Calling and passion as young christian saaw the need of education through the scriptures - more formal training. Known for 15 years known biblical illiteracy thgouthout churches. Now experiencing growth in christian education dept and dicipleehip. Branicing out thiw small groups and study groups and classes. More teachers involved now.


experiencing comfort now in role as discipleship pastor. Comprehends magnitude of a church this size.


christian education board, teachers, senior pastor. Review and analyze material.


women's and men part of fellowship.


women's group phenominal women of faith. start young age and corriculum thorough 8 yo destiny to mother's board. back bone of the church. sisterhood from child to seniors.


men - 10 pillars of fiath men's movement. different activities. town hall, boys to men retreat, conference, fellowship, athletic endeavors for young men.


discipleship - boran again to train and teach to be in a better relationship with christ. better christian. gal 5:22 fruit of the spirit manifest in our lives on a daily basis. 


have a lot of different events and meetings from childrent to seniors. everyone doing something positive. internally through the church.


Biblical teaching and learning are the essential elements of the Christian Education Ministry. Through active participation in Christian Education programs, individuals acquire the tools and skills needed to lead others to Christ and to allow them to grow spiritually in a community of believers. Rodney Akins A member of Second Baptist Church for 4 years Enjoys instilling Christian Education On The Community. From Children's Women Men Financial Living And Manifestation Education, Christian Education Creates Not only A Spiritual Relationship But A Clearer Understanding Of Your Purpose for Serving God And Your Community! 

The overall purpose of the Second Baptist Church Christian Education Ministry is to provide, develop and promote programs that equip individuals for discipleship (Matthew 28:19-20). The Christian Education Ministry is comprised of 11 sub-ministries that individually and collectively have a three prong focus of spirituality, service and education. 




Darryl Wilkins 

Pastor of Congregational Care






circle of love - deacons

bereavement and grief share (funerals)


member 3 years. in position 1.5 years. Used to Pastor. Own business. COrporate world for 24 years. Started with male chorus, teaching men's sunday school. Love the people most about what he does. People person with a passion to help people.


John 3:16 (A) covers it all. For God so loved the world...


Calling for the position. Highs and lows. Sickness, bereavement. Compassion and wants to make things great for them. Try to be timely. As soon as information given to him get it out to the circle of love members to be on top of things and love on the members. Here for them representing christ, the church and pastor.


God has blessed him to be in this position and thank them. Doing what called to do.


Circle of Love is comprised of a group of 50 people. Watch care gets assignment to call and check on sick people. 

New Members - welcome them to Second Baptist

New Membership Orientatin - Get full rights to the church

CCC - Call Coral - Call members to let them know what's coming up and get them involved.



Pastoral part of what he does, finances, help people, care for them. Help them solve problems and issues and show them we care and will all we can. Take care of the congregation.


Passionand love for God's people, contact to get involved. Called to serve, not to just sit. Get great gain and rewards for serving.







Head of Bereavement Department For Second Baptist Church  Started in the Male Chorus where He furthered His Anointed Gift Of Pastoral Education Teaching Men's Sunday School! 


Bereavement ministry performs a number of tasks and hold various responsibilities vital to helping bereaved church members deal with their loss while they pass through the stages of grief. Understanding the duties of the bereavement ministry will help you determine if, in the unfortunate event of a loss, you would benefit from its the stages of grief. Understanding the duties of the bereavement ministry will help you determine if, in the unfortunate event of a loss, you would benefit from its aid.


The members of the ministry personally reach out to grieving families with comfort and support through:

Visiting the funeral home

Attending the funeral

“Songs of Life” Choir

Sending cards and notes

Personal visits if requested

Contact during the holidays

Offering additional resources if requested.

Grief is the other side of the coin of love

Simply stated, grief happens because we love; because we care.

Grief is the normal, natural, necessary response to a significant loss.

The more significant the loss, the more acute the grief response.

Grief represents a set of behaviors and feelings that are normal reactions to major loss and change.

Please contact us if we can offer love, comfort and support to your family!


What Do I Need to do to Volunteer for this Ministry?

The Second baptist Bereavement Ministry invites you to offer your time and talent to reach out to parish members and area church. The ministry offers you the opportunity to grow spiritually by showing your love and compassion. Training is provided.




Jarvis Carrigan


Head of Children's Ministry Department (Children's Church Pastor) 


Department Ministries


   Nursery (8 weeks To $yrs Old) 

   Children's Church

   Boy Scouts 

   Girl Scouts 


As A 10yr Member Of Second Baptist Church Jarvis Carrigan Is Head Of The Children's Ministry Department. While in college working at Men's Wharehouse, Carrigan was invited to Second Baptist By Deacons And Ministers who frequented the store. Upon "Courting" The Church For One Year, Jarvis Became Made Second Baptist His Official Home!  


Married With two Kids, Carrigan Joined The Youth Department And Became  A Full Minister Of Children's Church .Coordinating Children's Ministry in the Local Church requires more than passion and love for Children. . Our Mission is to nurture children into a loving , serving relationship with God.  


1 Timothy 4:12


Passion families and youth. Seeing the kids give their life to Christ is what he loves most about his work.


The hardest part of ministry is Children's ministry, but he most needed. WIthouth Ch ministry do't have a future church. deree in speech commun with minor in business.


Experiencing growth for himself and family. See importance of the church every day. Men are free to worship and not judged for doing so.


First sunday accepted role as children't pastor 7 souls got saved. Any time tearful, but for 7 is most memorable. 


Ensure all children grwo in nurture and admiration of the Lord - Purpose


Parents should expect nursery - paid staff in the nursery. Passionate and love for children. Have children, educators. Fun and play but word of God as well. Structured environment whild kids get word at their level.

children's - faith , fmilay and fun.

scouts - chapters at 2nd B church follow national guildelines.


Personal vision is one saved all saved. Whole families to be saved.


Annual events and activities, cc every sunday. back to school carnival, hallelujah night, christmas, easter spring carnival. 


passionate about God and what we do, God's work, your youth. Safe loving environment. Faith and fun at their level.


Nursery 8 weeks - 4 years old. Children's 5 - 5th grade.


9:45, 11

Wednesday both locations

no 8am nursary

childrens church at all 3 locations






Services Department 


 Ivan Lambert


SERVICES Ministries: 

       New Memberships


       Welcome Ministry 

       Health Care Ministry 



Beautification Ministry

Shepard's Care

Activity And Events Ministry 


A Member of Second Baptist Church for 14 Years, Ivan Lambert, heads the ---- Department. Heavily involved in ministry since the age of 15. Junior deacon and trustee. Father a pastor and worked heavily in all ministries under his leadership.


Should have been a natural calling but he went through the motions until he developed a relationship with God for himself after his father passed away. Questioning God gave him a zeal to study day and night and called him into the ministry 4 years later. First assignment was to his family and his brother is now an armour bearer for Pastor Kelly. Natural gift to understand God's word to interpret and exigit it to people. Love the potential of Second Baptist to make world changes starting first at home in Little Rock. Do what he does to give God the glory. Beyond the walls and want to be a part of the team. God has used Second Baptist to get him closer. Used this place to take him through a lot of things. More of a warrior. A lot of darts but push him toward God's work. Watch tone and tenor. Slow to speak and quick to listen.


services - Vision to welcome people into the church and give them an experience. 4-7 step process. People determine whether they will come again and stay within the first 7 minutes. Security needs to be saved. New members are greeters Smile. Make peole feel welcome. Ushers have to receive them well. Smiling faces. Devotion. Welcome. A good experience up to the word from Pastor Kelly. Comfortable and receptive to what they came for, the word of God.




PUBLIC RELATIONS - billboard, radio,



Beautification - plants, flowers, gifts. Keep the church looking good to the eyes.

Shepard's Care - takes care of the senior pastor.


EVENTS- provide leadership for activity ministry. 4 events. Church anniversary February. Picnic Family Fun Fest, Fall Fellowship, Christmas Gala.



Prison, nursing home, homeless - go out once a month, our daily bread food pantry - 2 days a week (wed and Thurs), evangelism



Flow of worship service. concise. decently and in order. Eliminate all distractions and control the story. 




Matthew 28:19-20


Love to teach. Love to transfer God's word through ministry. 



 >>>> Matthew 28:19<<<<<<<<


I believe that God has individually equipped us so that we can successfully achieve His purpose for our lives which is to worship God, fulfill our role in the Church, and serve the community in which we live.




youth and young adult


Came from Washington, DC to be. native of Arkansas, relocated back to ark from DC 3 years ago. Always wanted to serve in full time ministry. Passion to perform in God's house. Hig performer in corporate world but wanted to give all full time to God's house. Second baptist . Opp waiting on and prayed for. Knew about church before got here, good ministry to serve in. Passion for youth and young adults. Worked at upward bound, tutor mentor. Worked in LRSD. Knews if really wanted to help had to get Jesus in their heart. The workd of God changes a person from the inside out and can handle all their issues. 

youth - jr and high school


Mathew 28:19-20 mission is the great commission that takes him until he's goine. ministry of church, youth departments and personal.


mastor's of arts in pastoral counselling from liberty universary 

currently doing doctorate of ministry from antioch school of leadership and church planning.


Love the community of people at te church, personalityes, peole,. Church is a family of families. Meeting different people.


experiencing maturity and excercise gifts God gave him.


pastor wants youth to develop a christian world view. do that through teaching sound doctrine. goal and vision is to make sure they understand when graduating senior. KNow what it means to be a christian in this big world.


parents should expect to experience a word from God. Enjoy expository preachingand teaching. Alwasy thinking of ways to explain and expound the word. Support system but foundation many times. Learn more about god and who he is and who he has called them to be.


young adults


teen chrch - every sunday he preaches - receive sermonette 15 minutes. dialogue 25-30 minutes.


young adults - go to sanctuary - learn through small groupls and curriculum. mellineials. learn basic principlae and how to apply them. 65-75 % millenials. 


70% drop out rate of students returning to church after graduation. dialogue, relationship.


started every sunday teen church.


fall - 21 weeks

spring 17 weeks

summer out


scholarship - give out $26,000 a year in scholarships


heart for them is to experience God, lord jesus christ in a way they never imagined, bunderstand and exercise basic tenants of faith, good men and women of god, good husbands and wives, understand and connect to faith and help lead the next generation. Give my all before I'm gone.


nursary, children and youth - nexgen


18-35 exalt - young adults


he's a millenial - give them what they're asking for. want the word, learn what it means and apply  it to their lives. don't want extra stuff - shouting, etc.


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